
Promotions and Awards
21 Nov 2013
DSC01865  Maj Davis receives Army Commander's Commendation for his work as Inf Corps Adjutant DSC01867  Maj Davis with his family DSC01868  LGen Hainse, Comd Canadian Army DSC01876  CWO Hornbrook, Army CWO DSC01877 DSC01878  OCdt Stotz at work
DSC01882  Awards and promotions to be presented.  The trophy is the 36 CBG Trophy for PWT (C7 Personal Wpns Test), called the "Stinson Trophy", for best PWT results in the Bde. DSC05670 DSC01883  Start the Parade!  DCO takes over the parade from the RSM DSC01884 DSC05676  Cpl MacDonald receives the bar to the General Campaign Star for service in Afghanistan DSC05677  Cpl MacDonald receives the bar to the General Campaign Star for service in Afghanistan
DSC01889  Cpl MacDonald receives the bar to the General Campaign Star for service in Afghanistan DSC05679  Catp Therrien receives the bar to the General Campaign Star for service in Afghanistan DSC01890  Catp Therrien receives the bar to the General Campaign Star for service in Afghanistan DSC05680  2Lt D'entremont receives his promotion. DSC05681  2Lt D'entremont receives his promotion. DSC05682
DSC01891 DSC05687  2Lt Stotz receives her promotion. DSC01895  2Lt Stotz receives her promotion. DSC05688  Capt Gray receives his promotion. DSC05689  Capt Gray receives his promotion. DSC05690  Capt Gray receives his promotion.
DSC05691  Capt Gray receives his promotion. DSC05692  Capt Gray receives his promotion. DSC01900  Capt Gray receives his promotion. DSC05694  LCol MacDonald exhibits the Stinson Trophy to the soldiers who helped earn the award. DSC05695  LCol MacDonald exhibits the Stinson Trophy to the soldiers who helped earn the award. DSC05696  LCol MacDonald exhibits the Stinson Trophy to the soldiers who helped earn the award.
DSC01906  LCol MacDonald exhibits the Stinson Trophy to the soldiers who helped earn the award. DSC05698 DSC05699  LCol MacDonald addresses the Regiment. DSC05700  LCol MacDonald addresses the Regiment. DSC05701  LCol MacDonald addresses the Regiment. DSC05702  LCol MacDonald addresses the Regiment.
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