Microfilm references RG24-C-2 collection https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/collectionsearch/Pages/collectionsearch.aspx?q=princess%20louise%20fusiliers& PLF War Diaries (PDF): https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/CollectionSearch/Pages/record.aspx?app=FonAndCol&IdNumber=927883 Volume/Box numbers http://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.redirect?app=fonandcol&id=926194&lang=eng&new=-8585928674754179225 12486? - 11th Cdn Bde Sp Gp http://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.redirect?app=fonandcol&id=927884&lang=eng 15153 - War Diary 11th Canadian Ind MG Coy 15154 - War Diary 11th Canadian Ind MG Coy https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/collectionsearch/Pages/collectionsearch.aspx?DataSource=Archives%7cFonAndCol&q=12th+brigade&start=0&num=10&OnlineCode=1&DateBucket=1940-1949 T-12397 - HQ 12th Cdn Inf Bde T-12398 - HQ 12th Cdn Inf Bde 15318 - 12th Cdn Inf Bde Ground Def Pl (Lorne Scots) Records of Dan Spry, Reference: MG30-E563, R2764-0-2-E. http://central.bac-lac.gc.ca/.redirect?app=fonandcol&id=926949&lang=eng&new=-8585928664855390620 Lanark and Renfrew Scottish WD X-LIST on activity sheet. X-1 Prisoner of War X-2 Detention X-3 Hospital - means. Casualty Clearing Station behind the lines and not a front aid station . X-4 Un-posted Reinforcements X-5 Courses (for Korean War means “Outside Korea”) X-6 Missing X-7 Officers & Men Seconded X-8 Returned to Canada (could mean England during WW2) X-9 Undecided, Re-boarded etc X10 Reinforcements for Special Employment X11 Category Personnel. This list will help to interpret some of the terms found in WW2 & Korean service files ARMY Service numbers - Military district prefix letter A Western ON B Central ON mainly Toronto recruiting C Eastern ON Ottawa recruiting D Western PQ (Hull to Mtl) E Eastern PQ F NS G NB L SK K BC H MB M AB N NFLD Above is reference for Army enlisted persons only. Officers did not have a regimental number designation until approx. 1948 Around this same time Army Officers were issued numbers BUT added a “Z” infront of same while enlisted personnel added a S to their existing number. 2nd war RCAF. Enlisted men had a R letter infront of number while officers had a number which started with “J” Exception to this rule is RCAF Officers who were already in the RCAF, when war broke, out had a C number and remained with them. So C is the only duplication between army and RCAF but few not a lot of RCAF C numbers exist. RCN or RCNVR, their numbers usually were VR xxxxx or just Vxxxxx for enlisted men. Officer started with an O.xxxxx and was a period between letter and number. In 1948 the RCAF went to a number only. RCN kept the officer designation but enlisted went to a number only with an H for Halifax or a E for Esquimault (BC) and this remained constant even if the person got transferred to the other coast. Arnie