Training Cadre

Basic Military Qualification Course Graduation, 2013.

Officer Commanding: Captain Dave Parsons

Training Cadre is responsible for the basic training of recruits and the continuing training of other unit members. Recruit training consists of up to three courses:

Taught in the recruit course are basic weapon skills, first aid, fieldcraft and general military knowledge.
Other training performed by the Training Cadre includes Primary Leadership Qualification modules, Small Arms Coaching courses and other courses or modules as required.

Training Cadre Photo Gallery

16 March 2013 BMQ 1207 - Basic Military Qualification Course Graduation Parade
BMQ 1207 graduates 16 March 2013 at the Halifax Armouries.
Pictures of the Parade

27 May 2012 BMQ Graduation Parade
Soldiers from the Basic Military Qualification Course graduate at the Halifax Armouries
Pictures from the Parade

28 May 2006 BMQ 0601 and 0602 Graduation Parade
73 soldiers from the Basic Military Qualification Courses 0601 and 0602 graduate at the Halifax Armouries
Pictures from the Parade