The Princess Louise Fusiliers

Training and Regimental Family Activities

November 2013 Awards and Promotions
Promotions and Awards on November 21 at the Halifax Armouries.

November 2013 Remembrance Day
Pictures from Remembrance Day

September 2013 Badging and Promotions
Promotions and Badging of our newest Fusiliers on September 26 at the Halifax Armouries.
Pictures of the Parade

March 2013 Promotions, Medals, Scrolls and Presentation of Cap Badges
5 promotions to MCpl, 6 promotions to Cpl, 3 bars to the SouthWest Asia Campaign Star, 1 first clasp to CD, 7 Officer's commissioning scrolls, 1 CWO's Warrant, and 2 transferee's are welcomed into the Regiment and are presented their Cap Badges.
Pictures of the Parade

March 2013 BMQ 1207 - Basic Military Qualification Course Graduation Parade
BMQ 1207 graduates 16 March 2013 at the Halifax Armouries.
Pictures of the Parade

December 2012 Christmas Sports and Dinner Day
Sports, Parade and Turkey.
Pictures from the day

November 2012 Remembrance Day
The Princess Louise Fusiliers and 2841 The Halifax Rifles Cadet Corps take part in Remembrance Day ceremonies at the Boer War Memorial, Provincial Legislature.
Pictures of the Parade

October 2012 Presentation of Cap Badges
21 Newly trained PLF soldiers, one Officer and 3 transferee's are welcomed into the Regiment and are presented their Cap Badges.
Pictures of the Parade

August 2012 PLQ Course March and Shoot
Soldiers from the Primary Leadership Qualification course conduct a March and Shoot as their graduation exercise in Aldershot, August 2012. Five Fusiliers graduated.
Pictures of the Event

May 2012 BMQ Grad Parade
Photos from the BMQ Course Grad Parade - May 27, 2012

December 2011 Children's Christmas Party
Photos and Video from the Annual Children's Christmas Party, hosted by the Halifax Garrison WO's and Sgt's Mess

November 2011 Remembrance Day
The Princess Louise Fusiliers and 2841 The Halifax Rifles Cadet Corps take part in Remembrance Day ceremonies at the Boer War Memorial, Provincial Legislature.
Pictures of the Parade

October 2011 CO's Parade, Presentation of Awards, Medals and Cap Badges
Fusiliers receive promotions, awards, CD medals, bars to the CD and to the Afghanistan Campaign Star. 17 Newly trained PLF soldiers are welcomed into the Regiment and are presented their Cap Badges.
Pictures of the Parade

June 2011 Regimental Reunion 2011
Regimental Reunion 2011 -
- Thursday: Parade with Meet and Greet
- Friday: Golf and Wing Night
- Saturday: Regimental Ball
- Sunday: Hangover Helper (Brunch)

December 2010 Children's Christmas Party
Photos and Video from the Annual Children's Christmas Party, hosted by the Halifax Garrison WO's and Sgt's Mess

March 2010 Task Force 1-10 Departure Parade
Photos of soldiers from 36 Brigade who are deploying to Afghanistan as part of Task Force 1-10

December 2009 Children's Christmas Party
Pictures and stories from the Annual Children's Christmas Party at the WO's and Sgt's Mess

November 2009 Remembrance Day
Pictures from Remembrance Day

May 2009 Sgt Bird's Retirement Dinner
Sgt Bird's Retirement Luncheon at 44 North Restaurant

April 2009 Trooping of the Colour
The Fusiliers enjoyed the second visit of our Colonel-in-Chief the Duke of York on the 23rd of April 2009, where he reviewed our Trooping the Colours Parade. Afterwards, he attended a reception at the Armoury where he spoke to many of the current and former members.
Pictures of the Parade

December 2008 Children's Christmas Party
Pictures and stories from the Annual Children's Christmas Party at the WO's and Sgt's Mess

April 2008 Cpl Ken Mansfield's Retirement Luncheon
29 April, Cpl Ken Mansfield is hosted (or is that roasted?) at the Alehouse

December 2007 Children's Christmas Party
Pictures and stories from the Annual Children's Christmas Party at the WO's and Sgt's Mess

December 2007 Soldier's Christmas Dinner
Pictures and stories from Soldier's Christmas Dinner, 8 Dec 07

June 2007 to Mar 2008 MCpl Robert Fox - Deployment to Sudan
Pictures and stories from MCpl Fox

June 2007 The PLF Regimental Ball
Pictures from the very successful PLF Ball

Apr/May 2007 Royal Visit - HRH The Duke of York
Pictures from the visit by our Colonel-In-Chief

Mar/Apr 2007 Pictures from KAF
More pictures from our soldiers in KAF
Pictures from KAF

Apr 2007 Pictures from Families PotLuck
Pictures from the Potluck held 1 Apr 07
Pictures from PotLuck

Jan 2007 Pictures from KAF
Some pictures from our boys in KAF
Pictures from KAF

Dec 2006 Garrison Children's Christmas Party
The largest party for the kids yet !  Highlights this year were Dance Dance Revolution games, a visit from BGen Bruce and wife Kathy and portraits of all the kids with Santa.
Pictures from the Party

Dec 2005 Garrison Children's Christmas Party
Another successful and enjoyable party for the kids was held in the Armouries WO's and Sgt's Mess.  Highlights this year were the "Bouncy Castle" and of course Santa Claus found us again!
Pictures from the Party

April 2005 PLF Hockey Team Wins Gold
The PLF wins the InterSection Hockey Tournament , trouncing the second place N6 Team by a score of 4 to 2.
Picture of the Team

February 2005 Exercise Southbound Trooper V
The Fusiliers deployed as a unit to Fort Pickett in Virginia, USA, for the fourth time, with the largest contingent to date (at one point the mission company was 203 members strong, with 5 Infantry Platoons, an Engineer Platoon, US Army Dive Company and other US attachments). Many challenges were overcome (like the plane carrying all of our food and follow-up kit being delayed two days...) but a tremendous amount of training was conducted with more air assets than ever before. In one lift, we were able to deploy 80 personnel on an air assault to conduct a Company Raid on MOUT City, and we had continuous Medivac support throughout the week.
Pictures of the Exercise

Dec 2004 Garrison Children's Christmas Party
Continuing in the annual tradition, the Garrison Messes hosted the childten of members and friends to a marvelous party.  Movies, crafts, singing and of course, Santa!
Pictures from the Party

Oct 2004 Garrison Children's Hallowe'en Party
A mervelous Hallowe'en Party was held for the children of Garrison members and friends.  Events included a haunted house in the Armouries basement (which is scary enough at the best of times!), movies and food.
Pictures from the Party

June 2004 Children's Party at RA Park
A gala children's party was held for all members of LFAA in the Halifax area on 6th June 2004 at Royal Artillery Park.  Over 35 children attended, with many adults in tow.  The theme was the Wild West, and activities included cattle punching, egg gathering, pinata busting and water balloon tosses!  Hot dogs and hamburgers kept the kids fuelled.
Pictures of the Party

April 2004 Brigade Exercise
A Company was tasked with defending a power dam at Head of St Margaret's Bay from terrorists, and preventing the terrorists from fleeing the province by sea by conducting a water landing and ambushing the fleeing terrorists at Graves Island, one of Nova Scotia's Provincial Parks. A highlight of the exercise was the opportunity to travel by the MCDV (Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel) HMCS Shawinigan, crewed by Naval Reservists, and to conduct an assault boat landing onto Graves Island with the assistance of Combat Engineers from 45 Field Engineer Squadron of Cape Breton.
Pictures of the Exercise

February 2004 Exercise Southbound Trooper IV
The Fusiliers deployed as a unit to Fort Pickett in Virginia, USA, for the third time, where A Company conducted Fighting in Built-Up Areas (FIBUA) training in the counter-terrorist defensive role this year. Live fire section attacks and 4-man room clearing at night with NVG's highlighted the live fire portions of the exercise, each platoon conducted a grueling 24-hour fighting patrol with insertion and extraction by helicopter, and a final Company-level attack by helicopter insertion (by 8 helicopters per lift) highlighted the week.
Pictures of the Exercise

April 2003 Brigade Exercise
The Fusiliers participated in a Company-level exercise in and around Stanley Airfield in the Rawden Hills of central Nova Scotia. This exercise consisted of basic workup training and the clearing of an axis of advance for A Company, culminating in a dawn attack on two enemy positions at the airfield.

February 2003 Exercise Southbound Trooper III
The Fusiliers deployed as a unit to Fort Pickett in Virginia, USA, for the second time, where A Company conducted Fighting in Built-Up Areas (FIBUA) training in the superb training areas at Fort Pickett. A dawn assault on the City, a blackout night assaault from Blackhawk helicopters to a defended airfield, and a trip to Washington for all ranks were the highlights of the exercise.
Pictures of the Exercise from several sources

February 2002 Exercise Southbound Trooper II
The Fusiliers deployed as a Company to Fort Pickett in Virginia, USA, for the first time where A Company conducted Fighting in Built-Up Areas (FIBUA) training in the superb training areas at Fort Pickett. Rappelling down buildings and through windows, Chinook and Blackhawk helicopter flights, the Leadership Reaction Course, and the beautiful weather were some of the highlights of the trip.
Pictures of the Exercise from several sources

Soldiers keeping warm in Labrador
February 1998 Exercise Scarlet Toboggan II
The Fusiliers deployed to the frozen North at Goose Bay, Labrador for weekend training.
News Article